God’s Bible School & College

Strategic Plans

Find current and completed strategic plans.

2023 – 2025

Rooted & Growing

You can read about our current strategic plan, Rooted & Growing, below. 

If you are interested in how we do strategic planning, you can read about that here.

Cultivate a Culture of Teaching and Learning Excellence

bte365官网地址 has always been a teaching-focused institution.

We redouble our focus here, striving for a sustainable culture of excellence in teaching (what we do) and learning (what our students do).

This culture will extend from Pre-Kindergarten in our on-campus Aldersgate Christian Academy, through college (on campus and online) and our graduate programs.

Create a Vocational Placement Program for Students and Alumni

Because we believe all of life is ministry — that all good work done for Christ’s approval and in His name is Kingdom work — we want to connect students and alumni with meaningful work across professions and across their lives.

This begins by preparing our students for entering vocations, as well as connecting them with good future employers. It continues, though, for alumni, as we help them continue to follow God’s calling into new vocational placements.

Increase Educational Opportunities at the Graduate Level

Increasingly students and alumni seek advanced credentials.

We want to meet this need by offering additional graduate-level opportunities for courses and degrees.

This requires us to continue to build an excellent faculty with both high-level preparation and hearts for Kingdom advancement through teaching and research.

Create an Alumni Engagement Program

As our alumni unofficial motto proclaims, “The sun never sets on the students of God’s Bible School.”

We cherish our alumni: they are the fruit of our work — they are our epistle, as Paul wrote of the Corinthian believers.

We will continue to honor them, increase our support for them and seek new ways to connect with and bless them throughout their ministries.

Modernize the Campus User Experience

As we deeply value our historic campus, we recognize the need for ongoing development to meet our students’ needs today and to prepare for meeting them tomorrow.

We will renovate campus spaces with a firm grasp on our heritage and a clear vision for future excellence in student experience and services.

Enhance Employee Care

While our physical and financial resources are essential, our most important resource is our people.

Building on our strong record of employee well-being, certified by Top Workplace and Best Christian Workplace recognitions, we will develop stronger systems to care for employees, while we also recruit and develop people for future leadership.

Completed Plans

These are historical strategic plans to show our progress over the years.


Shaping Our  Future

Institutional Growth

We recognized that we live in “interesting times,” a chaotic environment. To prepare for effective future ministry, we continued to cultivate relationships broadly with likeminded organizations. We also structured diverse fiscal sources to enable us to respond quickly to future conditions.

Constituent Engagement

We are not an isolated organization, but a ministry with a rich history, a broad constituency and a global vision. We recognized that lifelong learning matters now more than ever. We served our constituents in meaningful ways not only while they were students, but also as they lived out our mission to glorify God and to serve the church, around the corner or around the world.

Sustainable Infrastructure

We are stewards of our history, and that includes our campus. We systematically cared for our facilities. We also worked to modernize our infrastructure for future effectiveness.

Organizational Strength

In addition to our facility resources, we also steward our organizational resources. We learned new ways to serve our employees meaningfully. We built on our strengths to prepare for continued holistic organizational health.

Academic Life

Our mission calls us to a focus on education. We enhanced our existing educational offerings to maintain and increase quality. We also followed our timeless mission by developing new learning opportunities that met present constituent needs and that enabled students to serve the 21st-century Church.



Build Bridges beyond Ourselves

We strengthened existing relationships and sought to form new partnerships with constituents, other ministries, and other educational organizations. We offered our resources to meet needs in building God’s Kingdom around the world.

Build Capacity and Quality

We sought increased quality in our operations and simultaneously developed new capacity to enable future growth. We also increased positive impact on employees and students.

Build Enrollments and Graduates

We worked to build enrollments in all areas (ACA, on campus, online undergraduate, graduate). We simultaneously worked to increase persistence and completion rates.

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